witam czy moze mi pan podc jakies sklepy internetowe oprucz balamtaisa zbieram mini mam ok 250 butelek i chcia?bym powiekszyc swoja kolekcje moze pan ma jakies duplikaty to odkupie ale z takich tanszych bo narazie mnie finanse ograniczaja dziekuje i pozdrawiam
greeting from Viet Nam
I have seen your web, It's wonderful
I have trade with some collectors from Poland and now I hope to trade with you
This this my web
or another: https://sites.google.com/site/minibotles/
best regards/Tran
If you are interesting in change, I?ll be in Warszawa 2012.01.28.
Please, write me on e-mail: v.brazys@gmail.com, we can meet in Warszawa.
You can visit my change fund here - http://public.fotki.com/labutuk/minibottles/minibottles-for-sale/